Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To bailout-or not to bailout? That is the question.

The question is, do we live in a free market economy or not? If company's know that every time they get too greedy and take too many risks, the government will be there to bail them out, surely it will encourage more greed and risk in the future.

Too big to fail? Bear Stearns was certainly not too big. Are GM and Ford too big, questionable, but when big company's fail, new and fledgling firms spring up. Company's that may have been held back by the big box cookie cutter car company's that monopolized the industry for so long. Churning out the same car, re-badged gas guzzlers year after year in the name of profit. Sure company's need to make a profit, but how about a long term business plan with a profit for the future by building innovative and fuel efficient cars.
Spend a little on Research and development and a little less lining the board room members pockets for a change.
Of course, these corrupt idiots will get their bailout, why? Because they spent millions on a lobbyist to pay for the campaign of the very congressmen thats going to push for the bailout, ain't life sweet?
The upper level is not Rich, they are lottery rich, stinking rich, and then they have the audacity to hold their hands out for a taxpayer bailout........yep, that will do nicely sir.

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