NEWSFLASH, the money DOES NOT TRICKLE DOWN. There is NO "trickle down effect" (see graph below) They fooled us again!
God knows how much money a human being can spend in a lifetime. Are you MAD yet TAXPAYER ?
With clever accountants, these CEOs hide their $100 million bonuses in foreign offshore accounts. While your 401K and pension and savings plan gets raped by these greedy criminals America calls CEOs, they have the audacity to ask cap in hand for a Bailout. Yes they are TOO BIG TO FAIL. So big in fact that even after billion dollar bailouts the FBI still feels it unnecessary to investigate and charge these criminals with treason and stealing your hard earned savings.
ENRON- Anyone remember Enron? Yes, you would think that Fiasco would still be fresh in our minds, I mean it wasn't that long ago was it. Well dear reader, like every housing boom and bust from the past, we have very short memory's. We have NEVER and nor shall we learn from our mistakes. Now we have Hundreds of ENRON'S and this time its different- or is it?
From 1789-1799, the french aristocracy learnt the hard way what happens when 1% of the population hoard all the wealth. Of course, what little chance Joe six pack has of demonstrating against this white collar crime, will soon be squashed by the "thought police" and perhaps a little martial law thrown in for good measure under the "domestic terrorism" or patriot act!
Back to being bombarded with endless reality shows, Fox news, and keeping up with the Karishidans, followed by endless TV commercials telling you to be a good little consumer by buying another SUV and an overpriced house they call an "Investment" that you can use as an ATM machine to buy more crap that you don't need. Debt is wealth. These greedy CEOs play the dumb masses like a fiddle and only about 10% of the sheeple without Satellite and Cable TV know it.

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