So Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are to be bailed out by the hardworking (shrinking) middle class tax payer! These dirty corrupt CEOs with their ever disgustingly large pay packets, stock options and ridiculous bonuses are getting a government handout!
Do ya think they might stand up as a small and somewhat inconsequential gesture and pay a couple of million back into the kitty, like hell they will. Will the monkeys in DC make them pay just a little back on condition of a bailout? Like hell they will.
Does this make you mad dear blogger? Do you think its fair? While your income remains stagnant, a dirty corrupt CEO makes more in three hours than the average worker in 1 year.
Then we have the fatheads in charge of GM. Bob Lutz thinks its perfectly OK to ask for a $50 Billion, yes that's no typo-$50 Billion to pay for retooling in order to.....wait for it.............build more fuel efficient cars!
What the hell were they doing for the last decade for crying out loud. Sitting on their asses and cashing in? God forbid they looked past quarterly profits and ever expanding pay checks to prepare for the future. Whats even more shocking, Bob Lutz thinks they deserve the 50 Billion. Are you freaking kidding me!!!! Deserve, why does he still even have a Job?
~ So let me get this straight, a CEO making 100s of millions while doing a pathetic Job of running a car company, running it so bad, that he needs a bailout from the tax payer feels he deserves a handout! Do you ever wish you had swallowed the blue pill or the red pill dear reader?
After raping and pillaging with pure and utter greed, these criminals have the bare faced cheek and utter audacity to ask for a handout. Why aren't these numbskull's being fired?
Question is, who's next? Which fat cat corporation will hand out their hands next? Can the gubberment keep on bailing? Where do we draw the line? At what point do we say enough is enough with the abuse of our tax money.
Filthy corrupt greedy corporations, who have our so called "leaders" in their back pockets.
They scream capitalism is good and let the market do its "thing" when the going is good, but as soon as their pathetic attempts at running a business goes pear shaped they demand socialism to prop up their extortionate pay checks. It doesn't make sense anymore. no sense at all.
Do ya think they might stand up as a small and somewhat inconsequential gesture and pay a couple of million back into the kitty, like hell they will. Will the monkeys in DC make them pay just a little back on condition of a bailout? Like hell they will.
Does this make you mad dear blogger? Do you think its fair? While your income remains stagnant, a dirty corrupt CEO makes more in three hours than the average worker in 1 year.
Then we have the fatheads in charge of GM. Bob Lutz thinks its perfectly OK to ask for a $50 Billion, yes that's no typo-$50 Billion to pay for retooling in order to.....wait for it.............build more fuel efficient cars!
What the hell were they doing for the last decade for crying out loud. Sitting on their asses and cashing in? God forbid they looked past quarterly profits and ever expanding pay checks to prepare for the future. Whats even more shocking, Bob Lutz thinks they deserve the 50 Billion. Are you freaking kidding me!!!! Deserve, why does he still even have a Job?
~ So let me get this straight, a CEO making 100s of millions while doing a pathetic Job of running a car company, running it so bad, that he needs a bailout from the tax payer feels he deserves a handout! Do you ever wish you had swallowed the blue pill or the red pill dear reader?
After raping and pillaging with pure and utter greed, these criminals have the bare faced cheek and utter audacity to ask for a handout. Why aren't these numbskull's being fired?
Question is, who's next? Which fat cat corporation will hand out their hands next? Can the gubberment keep on bailing? Where do we draw the line? At what point do we say enough is enough with the abuse of our tax money.
Filthy corrupt greedy corporations, who have our so called "leaders" in their back pockets.
They scream capitalism is good and let the market do its "thing" when the going is good, but as soon as their pathetic attempts at running a business goes pear shaped they demand socialism to prop up their extortionate pay checks. It doesn't make sense anymore. no sense at all.
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